.. labibi documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sun Nov 4 10:10:29 2012. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Automation Workshop Welcome =========================== Welcome to the automation workshop at the `6th Argonne Soils Meeting `__. Schedule -------- =============== ============================================================= Day Schedule =============== ============================================================= Friday 10/03 * 1:30pm-5:00pm: Automating things with the shell (Will Trimble) * :doc:`novice-shell/00-intro` (What is going on?) * :doc:`novice-shell/01-filedir` (cd,ls) * :doc:`novice-shell/02-create` (mv,rm,cp) * :doc:`novice-shell/03-pipefilter` * :doc:`novice-shell/04-loop` (for) * :doc:`novice-shell/05-script` (Doing Stuff) * :doc:`novice-shell/06-find` (find,grep) Saturday 10/04 * 9:00 Introduction (Adina Howe) * 9:30 MEGAN (Daniel Huson) * 11:30 MG-RAST website(Folker Meyer) * 12:00 MG-RAST API(Daniel Braithwaite) * `install-matR.txt <_static/install-matR.txt>`__ * 12:30-1:30 Lunch * 1:30 KBase – metabolic models for metagenomes (Chris Henry) * 2:30-5:00pm Cloud computing to do more (Will Trimble) * `Notes on cloud computing <_static/argonne-cloud-computing.pptx.pdf>`__ * Getting started with EC2: :doc:`amazon/log-in-with-ssh-argonne` * Lecture notes on `BLAST <_static/cemi-lecture-blast.pptx.pdf>`__ * Similarity search: :doc:`blast` * (Lengthy lecture notes on `short read mapping <_static/cemi-lecture-mapping.pptx.pdf>`__) * Short read mapping: :doc:`bwa_mapping` =============== ============================================================= Additional Resources -------------------- These bash lessons were adapted from Software Carpentry's bash for beginners lessons. Software Carpentry is a nonprofit that maintains `computational training materials for scientists `__. The cloud computing lessons were adapted from `GED's ANGUS course `__ which is run at MSU every summer and teaches workshops like this. Specifically, this is a one-afternoon abbreviation of the `2013 CEMI workshop at Caltech `__, which was a four-day course. .. * :ref:`genindex` .. * :ref:`modindex` .. * :ref:`search`