Mapping with bwa

One of the most common operations when dealing with NGS data is mapping sequences to other sequences, and most commonly, mapping reads to a reference. Because short read alignment is so common, there is a deluge of programs available for doing it, and it is well-understood problem. Most of the efficient programs work by first building an index of the sequence that will be mapped to, which allows for extremely fast lookups, and then running a separate module which uses that index to align short sequences against the reference. Alignment is used for visualization, coverage estimation, SNP calling, expression analysis, and a slew of other problems. For a high-level overview, try this NCBI review.

Getting the Dependencies

bwa is one of the many available fast read mappers that uses the Burrows-Wheeler transform to speed up finding exact and near-exact matches in the database. A review can be found here.

The original verison of this lesson had instructions to download, uncompress, make, and install bwa.

We can get bwa on ubuntu with

sudo apt-get install bwa

This may not get us the most recent version of bwa, but the last version that was bundled for ubuntu. Now we have bwa, and we didn’t have to brave a grumpy sysadmin to install it for us. On the cloud, you are your own sysadmin.

Getting the Data

First, we will create a new directory to contain our bwa alignments (separate from our blast alignments in the previous lesson):

cd /mnt
mkdir ecoli
cd ecoli

We’ll be using the data we downloaded during the reads and quality control session; if you missed that, you’ll eventually want to run through it in Understanding Read Formats and Quality Controlling Data, but for now, you can just grab the quality-controlled data with:

curl -O
curl -O

This download takes about ten minutes to put on our instances.

You’ll also need a reference genome, which can be acquired with:

curl -O

which downloads the reference genome from NCBI.

Mapping the Reads

To speed up the demonstration, we will just map a subset of the reads rather than the entire file, which is somewhat large (though small compared to many datasets). The head command outputs the first n lines of a file, by default 4:

gunzip -c ../ | head -400000 > ecoli_pe.fq
gunzip -c ../ | head -400000 > ecoli_se.fq

We’ve got our reads and a reference, so we’re ready to get started. First, we build an index of the reference genome using bwa:

mv ../NC_018658.fna .
bwa index -a bwtsw NC_018658.fna

The -a flag tells bwa which indexing algorithm to use. The program will automatically output some files with set extensions, which the main alignment program knows the format of. Thus, we run the alignment like so:

bwa mem -p NC_018658.fna ecoli_pe.fq > aln.x.ecoli_NC_018658.sam

which aligns the left and right reads against the reference, and outputs them to the given SAM file. SAM is a common format for alignments which is understood by many programs, along with BAM. It’s often useful to have both, so we’ll use a utility called samtools to produce a sorted BAM file as well. First, install samtools:

cd /mnt
curl -O -L
tar xvfj samtools-0.1.18.tar.bz2
cd samtools-0.1.18
cp samtools /usr/local/bin
cd misc/
cp *.pl maq2sam-long maq2sam-short md5fa md5sum-lite wgsim /usr/local/bin/
cd ..
cd bcftools
cp *.pl bcftools /usr/local/bin/

Then, run samtools to do the conversion:

cd /mnt/ecoli
samtools view -uS aln.x.ecoli_NC_018658.sam > aln.x.ecoli_NC_018658.bam
samtools sort aln.x.ecoli_NC_018658.bam aln.x.ecoli_NC_018658.bam.sorted
samtools index aln.x.ecoli_NC_018658.bam.sorted.bam

For additional resources on these tools, check out:

Visualizing your Data with Tablet

Copy your mapping files to your local machine :

scp -i soils.pem ubuntu@yourinstance:/mnt/ecoli/aln.x.ecoli_NC_018658.bam.sorted.bam* . scp -i soils.pem ubuntu@yourinstance/mnt/ecoli/NC_018658.fna .

Although you can do many things with your alignments, one useful thing is to simply view them through a graphical interface. To demonstrate this, we’ll use a program called Tablet, which can be downloaded here.

Tablet claims to run on Windows, Linux, and OSX, though I have only tested it out on Linux. Because this is a GUI-driven program, we’ll be running it on our local machines instead of our EC2 instances. So, go ahead and grab the appropriate version for your system, and install it.

Once you have it installed, open it up. You’ll want to load your mapping file and reference genome:


You’ll then get some loading bars, and potentially an error about the indexing file which can be ignored. You need to select a contig on the left to view; ecoli has a very good reference, and is only one contig:


You can move left and right along the contig, as well as zoom. Tablet can view other information like gene structure, but we won’t get into that.

Table Of Contents

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Basic EC2, command line, and BLAST

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